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The Power of Your Inner Light: Lessons from the Super Blue Moon

Did you get a chance to see the rare super blue moon a couple weeks ago? It was truly magnificent!

Our family was lucky enough to view the majestic moon through my brother Paul’s high-definition telescope. The experience was made all the more magical by the contagious enthusiasm of my children. Our six-year-old, Hank, raced up to my dad and exclaimed, "Grandpa! The moon is so bright tonight, it looks like the sun!" My dad replied, "You're absolutely right, Hank. That's because it essentially is the sun. The moon is a reflection of the sun's bright light."

My dad's words caused me to pause and reflect. It was as though, for a moment, I had forgotten the fundamental knowledge that the moon's luminance is, in fact, a reflection of the sun's brilliance. This awareness served as a gentle reminder, beyond astronomy, that just as the moon reflects the sun’s radiance; I believe, we as humans, have an inner light that originates from a Divine Source. When we choose to be guided by this light, we then reflect and share this same light with others.

Remember the song, "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!" In one of the verses, we encounter a simple yet profound message: "Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm going to let it shine…" This song resonates deeply because it reminds us that we were not created to conceal our brilliance. Instead, we are uniquely designed to embrace our true selves, our inherent God-given talents and our boundless potential. By doing so, we contribute a luminous presence to the world and inspire others to do the same.

In the context of our inner light, there are several key takeaways to consider. First and foremost, we should strive to shine as brightly as we can so that our divine radiance can bring light, warmth and inspiration to those in our lives. Just as the moon faithfully reflects the sun's light, we have the capacity to reflect and bring the light of love and radiance to illuminate the paths of those around us.

It’s essential to recognize that there is no dimmer switch on the radiance of Divine Love. It remains constant and unwavering, just like the sun. Embracing this consistency can provide us with the strength and confidence to face life's challenges head-on.

While talking about the sun and stars, Hank said, “We learned in school that the stars are always there, we just can’t see them during the day.” Another truth that I had momentarily forgotten. The stars and galaxy are always there! Let this little astronomy lesson from a first grader serve as a reminder that goodness and opportunities are always present, even when they may not be immediately visible. Just as the stars await their moment to shine in the nighttime sky, so too do our opportunities for growth and transformation patiently linger, ready to emerge when the time is right.

Just like the moon is simply a reflection of the sun’s glory, it is in embracing your light, and letting it shine unapologetically, that you can inspire and uplift those around you. As Marianne Williamson so eloquently put it, "As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." So, go ahead, let your light shine and illuminate the world with your unique brilliance!

The Power of Your Inner Light: Reflection

  1. 1. Just at the moon reflects the sunlight, we also have an inner light that can reflect out to the people we are caring for/interacting with. What are things that help your light shine brighter?

  2. How do you think your light affects the patients you are caring for?

  3. What are things that try and hide your light or make you shine less bright?

  4. How would you feel as a patient if the person caring for you was letting their light shine brightly? How do you think this would impact patient outcomes.